d1 <- c(14,30,61,110,117,100,127,62) # パーセントの基数
d2 <- c(3,11,36,51,62,44,47,20)
d3 <- d1 - d2
round(d2/d1*100,digits = 1)
## [1] 21.4 36.7 59.0 46.4 53.0 44.0 37.0 32.3
d2 # 武内得票数
## [1] 3 11 36 51 62 44 47 20
d3 # その他候補得票数
## [1] 11 19 25 59 55 56 80 42
m <- matrix(c(d2,d3),nrow = 8)
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 3 11
## [2,] 11 19
## [3,] 36 25
## [4,] 51 59
## [5,] 62 55
## [6,] 44 56
## [7,] 47 80
## [8,] 20 42
dimnames(m) <- list(
Age = c("18-19","20s","30s","40s","50s","60s","70s","80-"),
Candidate = c("Takeuchi","Others")
## Candidate
## Age Takeuchi Others
## 18-19 3 11
## 20s 11 19
## 30s 36 25
## 40s 51 59
## 50s 62 55
## 60s 44 56
## 70s 47 80
## 80- 20 42
# 行列の保存
m82 <- m
mosaicplot(m,color = T,main = "")
par(family= "HiraKakuProN-W3", cex=0.86)
mosaicplot(m,shade=TRUE, main = "",dir=c("h","v"))
d1 <- c(14,30,61,110,117,100,127,62) # 基数
d2 <- c(3,11,36,51,62,44,47,20) # 武内候補
d4 <- c(28,46,23,39,34,44,48,51)/100 # 帯グラフより読み取り(津森候補)
## [1] 0.28 0.46 0.23 0.39 0.34 0.44 0.48 0.51
d5 <- round(d1 * d4, digits = 0) # 津森候補得票数(推定)
## [1] 4 14 14 43 40 44 61 32
d6 <- d1 - d2 - d5 # 2候補以外の得票数を計算
m <- matrix(c(d2,d5,d6),nrow = 8)
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 3 4 7
## [2,] 11 14 5
## [3,] 36 14 11
## [4,] 51 43 16
## [5,] 62 40 15
## [6,] 44 44 12
## [7,] 47 61 19
## [8,] 20 32 10
dimnames(m) <- list(
Age = c("18-19","20s","30s","40s","50s","60s","70s","80-"),
Candidate = c("Takeuchi","Tsumori","Others")
## Candidate
## Age Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-19 3 4 7
## 20s 11 14 5
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
# 行列の保存
m83 <- m
Takeuchi | Tsumori | Others | |
18-19 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
20s | 11 | 14 | 5 |
30s | 36 | 14 | 11 |
40s | 51 | 43 | 16 |
50s | 62 | 40 | 15 |
60s | 44 | 44 | 12 |
70s | 47 | 61 | 19 |
80- | 20 | 32 | 10 |
chisq.test(m,simulate.p.value = T)
## Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 2000
## replicates)
## data: m
## X-squared = 33.906, df = NA, p-value = 0.001999
round(100*prop.table(m,1),digits = 1)
## Candidate
## Age Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-19 21.4 28.6 50.0
## 20s 36.7 46.7 16.7
## 30s 59.0 23.0 18.0
## 40s 46.4 39.1 14.5
## 50s 53.0 34.2 12.8
## 60s 44.0 44.0 12.0
## 70s 37.0 48.0 15.0
## 80- 32.3 51.6 16.1
par(family= "HiraKakuProN-W3", cex=0.86)
mosaicplot(m,shade=TRUE, main = "",dir=c("h","v"))
mosaicplot(m,color = T,main = "")
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## 1 2
## Value 0.03106 0.02354
## Percentage 56.89% 43.11%
## Rows:
## 18-19 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s
## Mass 0.022544 0.048309 0.098229 0.177134 0.188406 0.161031 0.204509
## ChiDist 0.969251 0.151505 0.362974 0.045330 0.178626 0.099979 0.158840
## Inertia 0.021179 0.001109 0.012942 0.000364 0.006012 0.001610 0.005160
## Dim. 1 -1.878378 -0.859621 1.849441 0.250167 1.002049 -0.094374 -0.860007
## Dim. 2 -5.937475 -0.008814 -1.041036 0.068653 0.174852 0.642561 0.309693
## 80-
## Mass 0.099839
## ChiDist 0.249704
## Inertia 0.006225
## Dim. 1 -1.400480
## Dim. 2 0.246704
## Columns:
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## Mass 0.441224 0.405797 0.152979
## ChiDist 0.197846 0.204775 0.364391
## Inertia 0.017271 0.017016 0.020313
## Dim. 1 1.113951 -0.996239 -0.570214
## Dim. 2 0.159800 0.686872 -2.282914
par(pty="s",family= "HiraKakuProN-W3")
plot(ca(m),lines = c("F","F"),contrib=c("none","none"))
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## dim value % cum% scree plot
## 1 0.031060 56.9 56.9 **************
## 2 0.023540 43.1 100.0 ***********
## -------- -----
## Total: 0.054600 100.0
## Rows:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | 1819 | 23 1000 388 | -331 117 80 | -911 883 795 |
## 2 | 20s | 48 1000 20 | -151 1000 36 | -1 0 0 |
## 3 | 30s | 98 1000 237 | 326 806 336 | -160 194 106 |
## 4 | 40s | 177 1000 7 | 44 946 11 | 11 54 1 |
## 5 | 50s | 188 1000 110 | 177 977 189 | 27 23 6 |
## 6 | 60s | 161 1000 29 | -17 28 1 | 99 972 66 |
## 7 | 70s | 205 1000 95 | -152 911 151 | 48 89 20 |
## 8 | 80 | 100 1000 114 | -247 977 196 | 38 23 6 |
## Columns:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | Tkch | 441 1000 316 | 196 985 548 | 25 15 11 |
## 2 | Tsmr | 406 1000 312 | -176 735 403 | 105 265 191 |
## 3 | Othr | 153 1000 372 | -100 76 50 | -350 924 797 |
m <- m83
plot(ca(m),map="rowprincipal", main="rowprincipal")
m <- m83
d7 <- m[1,] + m[2,]
d7 # 18歳・19歳、20歳代の併合
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 14 18 12
m_ <- m[-c(1,2),]
m_ # 30代以降のみの行列
## Candidate
## Age Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
m <- rbind(d7,m_)
row.names(m)[1] <- "18-29"
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-29 14 18 12
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
# 行列の保存
m73 <- m
saveRDS(m73,file = "data/m73.RDS")
## Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data: m
## X-squared = 25.701, df = 12, p-value = 0.01183
chisq.test(m,simulate.p.value = T)
## Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 2000
## replicates)
## data: m
## X-squared = 25.701, df = NA, p-value = 0.01199
# fisher.test(m73)
# データを準備する
m0 <- round(100*prop.table(m,1),digits = 1)
m0 # 行パーセントの計算
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-29 31.8 40.9 27.3
## 30s 59.0 23.0 18.0
## 40s 46.4 39.1 14.5
## 50s 53.0 34.2 12.8
## 60s 44.0 44.0 12.0
## 70s 37.0 48.0 15.0
## 80- 32.3 51.6 16.1
data <- m0[,1]- m0[,2]
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80-
## -9.1 36.0 7.3 18.8 0.0 -11.0 -19.3
# バーチャートを描画する
par(family= "HiraKakuProN-W3")
barplot(data, main = "年代別にみた2候補の得票率の差(武内候補−津森候補)", xlab = "年代", ylab = "値(パーセント)")
par(family= "HiraKakuProN-W3", cex=0.86)
mosaicplot(m,shade=TRUE, main = "",dir=c("h","v"))
m <- m73
par(pty="s",family= "HiraKakuProN-W3")
plot(ca(m),lines = c("F","F"),contrib = c("none","none"))
plot(ca(m),lines = c("F","F"),contrib = c("none","none"),arrows = c("T","T"))
plot(ca(m),map="rowprincipal", main="rowprincipal")
analysis_ca <- ca(m)
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## 1 2
## Value 0.030879 0.010507
## Percentage 74.61% 25.39%
## Rows:
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80-
## Mass 0.070853 0.098229 0.177134 0.188406 0.161031 0.204509 0.099839
## ChiDist 0.357875 0.362974 0.045330 0.178626 0.099979 0.158840 0.249704
## Inertia 0.009075 0.012942 0.000364 0.006012 0.001610 0.005160 0.006225
## Dim. 1 -0.972548 1.953385 0.241513 0.978247 -0.163593 -0.889431 -1.420463
## Dim. 2 3.067461 1.151217 -0.155377 -0.473644 -0.934161 -0.276315 -0.067364
## Columns:
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## Mass 0.441224 0.405797 0.152979
## ChiDist 0.193158 0.197171 0.244543
## Inertia 0.016462 0.015776 0.009148
## Dim. 1 1.085482 -1.073830 -0.282283
## Dim. 2 -0.296905 -0.557831 2.336056
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## dim value % cum% scree plot
## 1 0.030879 74.6 74.6 *******************
## 2 0.010507 25.4 100.0 ******
## -------- -----
## Total: 0.041386 100.0
## Rows:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | 1829 | 71 1000 219 | -171 228 67 | 314 772 667 |
## 2 | 30s | 98 1000 313 | 343 894 375 | 118 106 130 |
## 3 | 40s | 177 1000 9 | 42 877 10 | -16 123 4 |
## 4 | 50s | 188 1000 145 | 172 926 180 | -49 74 42 |
## 5 | 60s | 161 1000 39 | -29 83 4 | -96 917 141 |
## 6 | 70s | 205 1000 125 | -156 968 162 | -28 32 16 |
## 7 | 80 | 100 1000 150 | -250 999 201 | -7 1 0 |
## Columns:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | Tkch | 441 1000 398 | 191 975 520 | -30 25 39 |
## 2 | Tsmr | 406 1000 381 | -189 916 468 | -57 84 126 |
## 3 | Othr | 153 1000 221 | -50 41 12 | 239 959 835 |
# str(summary(analysis_ca))
smmry <- summary(analysis_ca)
rp <- smmry$rows[,c(5,8)]/1000 # 行主座標
cp <-smmry$columns[,c(5,8)]/1000 # 列主座標
rp_cp <- rbind(rp,cp)
analysis_ca$sv # 特異値(固有値の平方根)
## [1] 0.1757236 0.1025059
## [1] "18-29" "30s" "40s" "50s" "60s" "70s" "80-"
analysis_ca$rowmass # Row masses
## [1] 0.07085346 0.09822866 0.17713366 0.18840580 0.16103060 0.20450886 0.09983897
analysis_ca$rowdist # Row chi-square distances to centroid
## [1] 0.35787540 0.36297413 0.04532985 0.17862594 0.09997901 0.15883987 0.24970436
analysis_ca$rowinertia # Row inertias 慣性は分散と同義
## [1] 0.0090745430 0.0129416480 0.0003639733 0.0060115062 0.0016096301
## [6] 0.0051597796 0.0062251864
analysis_ca$rowcoord # Row standard coordinates
## Dim1 Dim2
## 18-29 -0.9725482 3.06746095
## 30s 1.9533852 1.15121734
## 40s 0.2415135 -0.15537744
## 50s 0.9782470 -0.47364385
## 60s -0.1635928 -0.93416066
## 70s -0.8894314 -0.27631546
## 80- -1.4204626 -0.06736388
## [1] "Takeuchi" "Tsumori" "Others"
## [1] 0.4412238 0.4057971 0.1529791
## [1] 0.1931576 0.1971708 0.2445433
## [1] 0.01646199 0.01577590 0.00914837
## Dim1 Dim2
## Takeuchi 1.0854818 -0.2969052
## Tsumori -1.0738299 -0.5578307
## Others -0.2822828 2.3360562
analysis_ca$N # The frequency table
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 14 18 12
## [2,] 36 14 11
## [3,] 51 43 16
## [4,] 62 40 15
## [5,] 44 44 12
## [6,] 47 61 19
## [7,] 20 32 10
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-29 14 18 12
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
apply(m,1,sum) # 各列の計を計算
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80-
## 44 61 110 117 100 127 62
sum(apply(m,1,sum)) # それを合計
## [1] 621
apply(m,1,sum) / sum(apply(m,1,sum)) # 行質量(周辺割合)
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80-
## 0.07085346 0.09822866 0.17713366 0.18840580 0.16103060 0.20450886 0.09983897
## Dim1 Dim2
## 18-29 -0.9725482 3.06746095
## 30s 1.9533852 1.15121734
## 40s 0.2415135 -0.15537744
## 50s 0.9782470 -0.47364385
## 60s -0.1635928 -0.93416066
## 70s -0.8894314 -0.27631546
## 80- -1.4204626 -0.06736388
dim1_dim2_r <- as.data.frame(analysis_ca$rowcoord)
names.r <- row.names(dim1_dim2_r)
p1 <- ggplot(dim1_dim2_r,aes(x=Dim1, y=Dim2)) +
geom_text(aes(label=names.r),size=4) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype="dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0,linetype="dashed") +
dim1_dim2_c <- as.data.frame(analysis_ca$colcoord)
names.c <- abbreviate(row.names(dim1_dim2_c),3)
p2 <- ggplot(dim1_dim2_c,aes(x=Dim1, y=Dim2)) +
geom_text(aes(label=names.c),size=4) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype="dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0,linetype="dashed") +
p1 + p2
ggplot(dim1_dim2_r,aes(x=Dim1, y=Dim2)) +
geom_text(aes(label=names.r),size=4) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype="dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0,linetype="dashed")+
par(pty="s",family= "HiraKakuProN-W3")
plot(ca(m,suprow=1),lines = c("F","F"),contrib=c("none","none"))
res.ca <- ca(m,suprow=1)
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## dim value % cum% scree plot
## 1 0.031230 92.2 92.2 ***********************
## 2 0.002638 7.8 100.0 **
## -------- -----
## Total: 0.033868 100.0
## Rows:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | (*)1829 | <NA> 1000 <NA> | 127 104 <NA> | 372 896 <NA> |
## 2 | 30s | 106 1000 402 | -347 935 408 | 92 65 336 |
## 3 | 40s | 191 1000 5 | -30 987 6 | 4 13 1 |
## 4 | 50s | 203 1000 154 | -152 902 150 | -50 98 193 |
## 5 | 60s | 173 1000 36 | 53 387 15 | -66 613 287 |
## 6 | 70s | 220 1000 185 | 167 982 197 | 22 18 42 |
## 7 | 80 | 107 1000 218 | 255 949 224 | 59 51 141 |
## Columns:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | Tkch | 451 1000 431 | -178 984 460 | -23 16 90 |
## 2 | Tsmr | 406 1000 502 | 204 991 539 | -19 9 55 |
## 3 | Othr | 144 1000 68 | -15 15 1 | 125 985 855 |
2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## Warning in prop.test(c(11, 3), c(30, 14)): カイ自乗近似は不正確かもしれません
## 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data: c(11, 3) out of c(30, 14)
## X-squared = 0.44, df = 1, p-value = 0.5071
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.1755613 0.4803232
## sample estimates:
## prop 1 prop 2
## 0.3666667 0.2142857
m01 <- matrix(c(11,3,19,11),2)
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 11 19
## [2,] 3 11
s1 <- chisq.test(m01)
## Warning in chisq.test(m01): カイ自乗近似は不正確かもしれません
cat("X_squared=", s1$statistic, "\n")
## X_squared= 0.44
cat("p値 =", s1$p.value, "\n")
## p値 = 0.5071225
chisq.test(m01,correct = F)
# correct = F
s2 <- chisq.test(m01,correct = F)
## Warning in chisq.test(m01, correct = F): カイ自乗近似は不正確かもしれません
cat("X_squared=", s2$statistic, "\n")
## X_squared= 1.021678
cat("p値 =", s2$p.value, "\n")
## p値 = 0.3121213
s3 <- fisher.test(m01)
cat("p.value=", s3$p.value, "\n")
## p.value= 0.4892126
# 比率の差を計算
prop1 <- (3+11)/(14+30)
prop2 <- 36/61
diff <- prop1 - prop2
# サンプルサイズ
n1 <- 14+30
n2 <- 61
## [1] 0.3181818
## [1] 0.5901639
## [1] -0.2719821
## [1] 44
## [1] 61
# サンプルaとサンプルbの比率を設定
p1 <- 0.318
p2 <- 0.590
# サンプルaとサンプルbのサイズを設定
n1 <- 44
n2 <- 61
# 母比率の推定値
p_hat <- (p1 * n1 + p2 * n2) / (n1 + n2)
## [1] 0.476019
# 検定統計量zを計算
z <- (p1 - p2) / sqrt(p_hat * (1 - p_hat) * (1/n1 + 1/n2))
# p値を計算
p_value <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
# 結果を表示
cat("検定統計量 z =", z, "\n")
## 検定統計量 z = -2.753567
cat("p値 =", p_value, "\n")
## p値 = 0.005894976
# 有意水準0.05での検定
if (p_value < 0.05) {
} else {
## 2つの比率に有意な差があります。
prop1 <- (3+11)/(14+30)
prop2 <- 36/61
## 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data: c(14, 36) out of c(44, 61)
## X-squared = 6.5297, df = 1, p-value = 0.01061
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.47639932 -0.06756491
## sample estimates:
## prop 1 prop 2
## 0.3181818 0.5901639
# データの確認
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-29 14 18 12
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
# 比率の差を計算
prop1 <- 36/(36+14+11)
prop2 <- 51/(51+43+16)
diff <- prop1 - prop2
# サンプルサイズ
n1 <- 36+14+11
n2 <- 51+43+16
## [1] 0.5901639
## [1] 0.4636364
## [1] 0.1265276
prop1 <- 36/(36+14+11)
prop2 <- 51/(51+43+16)
diff <- prop1 - prop2
# サンプルサイズ
(n1 <- 36+14+11)
## [1] 61
(n2 <- 51+43+16)
## [1] 110
## 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data: c(36, 51) out of c(61, 110)
## X-squared = 2.0328, df = 1, p-value = 0.1539
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.04086304 0.29391818
## sample estimates:
## prop 1 prop 2
## 0.5901639 0.4636364
m <- m73
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 18-29 14 18 12
## 30s 36 14 11
## 40s 51 43 16
## 50s 62 40 15
## 60s 44 44 12
## 70s 47 61 19
## 80- 20 32 10
par(pty="s",family= "HiraKakuProN-W3")
ca_analysis <- ca(m)
if (!require(ggrepel)) {
## 要求されたパッケージ ggrepel をロード中です
ca_analysis$sv ** 2
## [1] 0.03087880 0.01050747
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
## dim value % cum% scree plot
## 1 0.030879 74.6 74.6 *******************
## 2 0.010507 25.4 100.0 ******
## -------- -----
## Total: 0.041386 100.0
## Rows:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | 1829 | 71 1000 219 | -171 228 67 | 314 772 667 |
## 2 | 30s | 98 1000 313 | 343 894 375 | 118 106 130 |
## 3 | 40s | 177 1000 9 | 42 877 10 | -16 123 4 |
## 4 | 50s | 188 1000 145 | 172 926 180 | -49 74 42 |
## 5 | 60s | 161 1000 39 | -29 83 4 | -96 917 141 |
## 6 | 70s | 205 1000 125 | -156 968 162 | -28 32 16 |
## 7 | 80 | 100 1000 150 | -250 999 201 | -7 1 0 |
## Columns:
## name mass qlt inr k=1 cor ctr k=2 cor ctr
## 1 | Tkch | 441 1000 398 | 191 975 520 | -30 25 39 |
## 2 | Tsmr | 406 1000 381 | -189 916 468 | -57 84 126 |
## 3 | Othr | 153 1000 221 | -50 41 12 | 239 959 835 |
# 標準座標値に特異値(固有値の平方根)をかける。
# sv: singular value
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s
## -0.17089972 0.34325597 0.04243963 0.17190112 -0.02874712 -0.15629413
## 80-
## -0.24960887
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## 0.19074481 -0.18869730 -0.04960377
## 18-29 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s
## 0.314432960 0.118006613 -0.015927110 -0.048551307 -0.095757014 -0.028323975
## 80-
## -0.006905198
## Takeuchi Tsumori Others
## -0.03043454 -0.05718095 0.23945963
r1 <- ca_analysis$rowcoord[,1]*ca_analysis$sv[1]
c1 <- ca_analysis$colcoord[,1]*ca_analysis$sv[1]
r2 <- ca_analysis$rowcoord[,2]*ca_analysis$sv[2]
c2 <- ca_analysis$colcoord[,2]*ca_analysis$sv[2]
(c <- cbind(c1,c2, type='columns'))
## c1 c2 type
## Takeuchi "0.190744814066183" "-0.0304345407825001" "columns"
## Tsumori "-0.188697304893081" "-0.057180954759738" "columns"
## Others "-0.049603770748186" "0.239459629198516" "columns"
(r <- cbind(r1,r2,type='rowcoord'))
## r1 r2 type
## 18-29 "-0.170899718354824" "0.314432959800224" "rowcoord"
## 30s "0.343255966762923" "0.118006612738511" "rowcoord"
## 40s "0.0424396281691305" "-0.0159271099846492" "rowcoord"
## 50s "0.171901121532175" "-0.0485513073312092" "rowcoord"
## 60s "-0.0287471186121365" "-0.0957570144522014" "rowcoord"
## 70s "-0.156294132893811" "-0.028323974991156" "rowcoord"
## 80- "-0.249608870065599" "-0.00690519811450292" "rowcoord"
(d <- rbind(c,r))
## c1 c2 type
## Takeuchi "0.190744814066183" "-0.0304345407825001" "columns"
## Tsumori "-0.188697304893081" "-0.057180954759738" "columns"
## Others "-0.049603770748186" "0.239459629198516" "columns"
## 18-29 "-0.170899718354824" "0.314432959800224" "rowcoord"
## 30s "0.343255966762923" "0.118006612738511" "rowcoord"
## 40s "0.0424396281691305" "-0.0159271099846492" "rowcoord"
## 50s "0.171901121532175" "-0.0485513073312092" "rowcoord"
## 60s "-0.0287471186121365" "-0.0957570144522014" "rowcoord"
## 70s "-0.156294132893811" "-0.028323974991156" "rowcoord"
## 80- "-0.249608870065599" "-0.00690519811450292" "rowcoord"
xca_analysis <- ca(m)
contrib = ca_analysis$sv ** 2
contrib = contrib / sum(contrib)
colcoord = as.data.frame(ca_analysis$colcoord)
rowcoord = as.data.frame(ca_analysis$rowcoord)
coords = rbind(
cbind(rowcoord, type='rowcoord'),
cbind(colcoord, type='columns')
# 以下の部分を追加した。
coords[,1] <- coords[,1]*ca_analysis$sv[1]
coords[,2] <- coords[,2]*ca_analysis$sv[2]
row.names(coords) <- gsub('_', ' ', row.names(coords))
# row.names(coords)
# ここでgsub()は、アンダースコアを空白に換えることをしているが、意味があるか不明。
graph <- ggplot(coords, aes(x=Dim1, y=Dim2, color=type, label=rownames(coords), shape=type)) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype='dotted', color='#444444') +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype='dotted', color='#444444') +
geom_point(size=3) +
geom_text_repel() +
xlab(sprintf('Dimension 1 (%.1f%%)', 100 * contrib[1])) +
ylab(sprintf('Dimension 2 (%.1f%%)', 100 * contrib[2])) +
scale_color_manual(values = c('red', 'blue')) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(17,16))+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("red","blue"))+
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")